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Conceived as an essay/newsletter with thoughts for our children, Letters from the Nest is full of all the things we hope to someday remember. Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter. Never miss an update.

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notes from home, notes from the past, and notes meant for the future...


Jamie Robyn Wood is a mother, author, and teacher. She enjoys flowers in the garden (winter be banned...) and quiet mornings before everyone wakes up.
A thinker and feeler. Mother to 5. Lover of words and God.
I am a mama of 4 kids and love to learn things. I read, tinker, game and organize. I am obsessed with tiny things and gloomy weather.
I read, I write, I think about things--maybe too much, maybe not enough.
A mother of five kids, sometimes thriving, sometimes surviving, living in Idaho with the joy of music, food, books, and Jesus.